
Bernays Barclay

Buz Barclay brings to Ice Energy broad expertise in global and domestic energy issues, mergers and acquisitions, project development, project financing and regulatory law.

Mr. Barclay is a partner in the law firm of Dickstein Shapiro LLP where he is part of the firm's nationally-recognized energy practice. For 25 years, he has advised clients doing energy-related business, especially in the electric and natural gas industries in the United States. Buz’s expertise and experience in these industries are multidisciplinary, including mergers and acquisitions, project development, project restructuring, project finance, venture capital investing and merchant plant financing, energy management services and inside-the-fence energy projects, and in every power technology, from demand-side management products and services to wind, solar, and other renewable resources, waste-to-energy, fuel cells, cogeneration and other distributed generation, biomass, coal and nuclear power. His clients include project developers, owners and operators, competitive energy suppliers, power marketers, private equity capital investors and their portfolio companies, banks and financial institutions, and large industrial and commercial energy consumers.

Buz has been practicing law in the U.S. power and natural gas industries since 1979, most recently with the international law firm of Torys LLP, where he headed the U.S. Energy and Infrastructure practice and was a founder of the Climate Change practice.

Mr. Barclay has also been a Vice President and Senior Banker in Citibank's Project Finance Group. There, he was responsible for originating, structuring and syndicating infrastructure and power project financing, and for providing financial advisory services to global clients. He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the New York State Environmental Business Association, and a founder and Director of EtherMetrics LLC, a start up energy tech company.

Mr. Barclay lectures on project development, project finance, and regulatory law and developments, and has contributed articles to numerous legal and energy industry journals. He holds an L.L.D. from the University of Chicago, an M.B.A. in Finance from Michigan State University, and a B.A. from the University of Michigan.

Craig Boice

Craig Boice co-founded the Boice Dunham Group in 1983, and has since served more than 200 clients in 19 countries as a business development consultant. In the energy industry, he is noted for new technology planning and development, particularly in the fields of renewable generation, resource planning, risk management, conservation and efficiency, automated metering and energy management. He has led design, market research, marketing, evaluation and business case preparation for many demonstrations, trials, tests, and launches.

Boice held senior posts in the Washington, D.C. and London, U.K. offices of Coopers & Lybrand; worked as an economist for the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation; and served as vice president - operations for the International Licensing Network, Ltd., a technology management firm.

He has a master's in management from the Yale University School of Management, majoring in finance and accounting, and serving as a teaching assistant in Finance. While earning his M.A. and M. Phil. in Philosophy, he received the Jacob Cooper Prize in Classics and the Prize Fellowship for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching from Yale University. For 15 years, he served as adjunct assistant professor of management in the Stern School at New York University, teaching New Venture Management. He has also served on the board of directors of Heitman Financial, Ltd., and PureHarvest, Inc.

Born and raised in Oregon, he received his B.A. summa cum laude in economics and philosophy from Beloit College, where he won the Wall St. Journal Prize in Economics.

Joseph F. Desmond

Joe Desmond serves as Senior Vice President, External Affairs, for NorthernStar Natural Gas, a developer of liquefied natural gas import terminals, where he is responsible for the company’s government relations, public relations and investor relations. Prior to joining Northern Star, Mr. Desmond served in the administration of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as Chairman of the California Energy Commission and Under Secretary for Energy Affairs in the California Resources Agency. In those positions, Mr. Desmond advised the Governor on energy matters and was responsible for overall energy policy in the areas of electricity, natural gas and transportation fuels across state and federal agencies.

Prior to public service, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Infotility, Inc., an energy consulting and software development firm for four years. From 1997 to 2000, Mr. Desmond was President and Chief Executive Officer of Electronic Lighting, Inc., a manufacturer of controllable lighting systems, and from 1991 to 1997 he was with Parke Industries, where he served as vice president. Mr. Desmond was marketing and demand planning administrator for Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant, a publicly owned utility, from 1987 to 1991. Mr. Desmond holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration, with a concentration in marketing, finance and management, from Northeastern University.

General James R. Ellis

General James R. Ellis was Commanding General of the Third Army from 1992 through 1994 and served as Deputy Commander in Chief and Chief of Staff, United States Central Command. General Ellis' past assignments include Company Commander in the 82d Airborne Division at Fort Bragg and in the Dominican Republic; Company Commander and Assistant G3 in the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam; Advisor in the Delta Region of Vietnam; Assistant Professor of Economics and International Relations at West Point; Infantry Battalion Executive Officer and Deputy Chief of Staff of the 7th Infantry Division at Fort Ord; Commander of a Basic combat Training Battalion at Fort Leonard Wood; Staff Officer in the Office of the Army Chief of Staff and in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; Commander of the 29th Infantry Regiment at Fort Benning; Chief of Staff and Garrison Commander of Fort Benning; Assistant Division Commander of the 10th Mountain Division; Chief, and Office of the Defense Representative to Pakistan.

General Ellis is Chairman/CEO of The Boggy Creek Camp, co-founded by Paul Newman and General Norman Schwarzkopf to serve children suffering from cancer, heart disease and a dozen chronic and life threatening illnesses. Jim is also a board member of The Montecito Group. General Ellis' awards and decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal and the Purple Heart.

Paul J. Feldman

Paul J. Feldman is Chairman of the Midwest ISO (Independent Transmission System Operator), which manages energy in 15 Midwestern states and a portion of Canada. He is also Chairman of TrendIQ, a business intelligence firm that utilizes its proprietary software to provide information from the text available via the Internet, as well as CEO of China Energy Partners, a special purpose acquisition corporation focused on energy in China. He has been appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Energy to the National Coal Council. He also sits on several advisory boards of firms involved in energy and technology and is an active angel investor and entrepreneur in the Northern Virginia technology community.

Mr. Feldman began his career with AT&T;, where he worked for 20 years in positions of increasing responsibility in marketing, sales, R&D; and manufacturing, and finally, as Vice President of Consumer Products. After leaving AT&T;, he served as CEO of two large energy companies, founded and sold three new ventures in the energy and technology sector, and assisted Novell in a business turnaround assignment as Vice President and General Manager.

Mr. Feldman’s educational background includes a B.A. in mathematics and an M.A. in economics, with advanced work towards a Ph.D. in econometrics. Additionally, he taught at Cleveland State University as an Associate Professor.

Robert 'Bob' Foster

Mayor Bob Foster is a widely-respected business and community leader who was elected as the 27th mayor of Long Beach, California in June, 2006.

Previously, Mayor Foster served as president of Southern California Edison before his retirement in 2006 after more than 20 years with the company. As an Edison executive, he led California’s largest electric company through the 1999 energy crisis. During Mayor Foster’s tenure, Edison developed the largest renewable, clean energy programs (solar, geothermal, biomass and wind) in the United States.

Mayor Foster began his career in public service as a staffer in the California State Senate and California Energy Commission where he established statewide energy efficiency standards that are still in force today.

He is a graduate of San Jose State University in public administration. Prior to his election as mayor, he served as a trustee to the California State University system and remains active in a number of community and public policy organizations.

Dr. Doug Hittle

Dr. Hittle brings more than 30 years of experience in design, research and consulting in mechanical and environmental engineering. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, at Colorado State University and Director of the Solar Energy Applications Laboratory. Dr. Hittle conducts and directs research in air-conditioning system control, energy conservation, desiccant cooling, energy system simulation, and solar energy systems. Dr. Hittle has conducted research in various aspects of building energy systems including optimizing cooling coils for use with ice storage systems, low temperature air distribution systems, dynamics of humidity control, and expert systems and artificial intelligence for intelligent buildings.

Dr. Hittle is a recipient of the U.S. Army research and development achievement award, and was a project manager at the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Lab where he completed a major international energy analysis program.

Dr. Hittle is a Member of the ASHRAE College of Fellows, Board Member, ASHRAE Leaning Institute, and Member of the National Advisory Panel to DOE on the development of energy analysis computer programs. Dr. Hittle’s clients include the Electric Power Research Institute, Naval Weapons Support Center, Los Alamos Technical Associates, and the U.S.Department of Energy.

Paul Kuhlman

Mr. Kuhlman brings more than 25 years of management experience in the delivery of design and construction management services for complex engineering-driven construction projects throughout the United States. He holds an Architectural license in 3 states, is a LEED Accredited Professional, and is a Certified Construction Manager with the Construction Management Institute. Mr. Kuhlman has extensive technical experience in building design and procurement within the full range of building delivery methods. He has extensive experience on the east and west coasts in the commercial, institutional and corporate arenas. While partner at a San Francisco Architectural and Engineering firm, Mr. Kuhlman led the design and construction administration services for a variety of corporate and institutional clients including the National Laboratories of Lawrence Livermore and Sandia, University of California system, Hewlett-Packard Corporation, IBM, Apple Computer and others. Mr. Kuhlman is a member of the American Institute of Architects and the US Green Building Council nationally and with several local chapters. Mr. Kuhlman received a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Detroit.

At Ice Energy, Mr. Kuhlman advises on product integration and environmental benefits with the building design and regulatory communities. He spearheaded the integration of Ice Storage Air Conditioning into the California Building Energy Standards. Recently Mr. Kuhlman chaired a California Energy Commission, California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan 2009-2012 to Transform the Existing HVAC Industry and Achieve Additional Peak Savings sub-committee in support of the California Public Utilities Commission’s resource planning and California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2007 requirements. Mr. Kuhlman regularly makes presentations on the environmental benefits of peak energy reduction to professional organizations and conferences across the United States including state and local chapters of the AIA, ASHRAE, AEE and USGBC.

Deana Perlmutter

Deana Perlmutter is Senior Vice President of Dutko Worldwide. She focuses her efforts on energy and environmental technology policy, with a particular focus on sustainability and assisting clients in the regulatory and policy arenas in forwarding technological solutions to environmental challenges.

Deana brings broad experience to DWW in developing and implementing public policy initiatives through partnerships between government and private industry. Working closely with senior officials throughout the federal, state and local government, Deana has been a strong force for regulatory and policy change to encourage and assist industries in utilizing advanced technologies.

She is responsible for drawing together the CEO Coalition to Advance Sustainable Technology and leads the Coalition’s efforts in shaping sound government and regulatory policies and was the principal consultant in developing the Clinton Administration’s Partnership for Advanced Technology in Housing (PATH), an initiative designed to accelerate the creation and use of advanced technologies.

Additionally, Deana has been involved with managed growth, land and resource matters, technology innovation and policy making with the development and housing industry for over twenty years.

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

General Schwarzkopf has served in numerous and varied command and staff assignments throughout the United States, Europe and the Pacific, in places such as Berlin, Alaska, Hawaii, and five times in Washington, D.C. He is best known for his service as Commander in Chief, United States Central Command and Commander of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In the latter capacity, he coordinated the efforts of all Allied forces from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from August 1990, soon after Iraq invaded Kuwait, until August 1991, when he retired from military service.

General Schwarzkopf has been actively involved in conservation throughout his life and is currently serving on the Nature Conservancy’s President’s Conservation Council and is the national spokesperson for the Recovery of the Grizzly Bear. Additionally, General Schwarzkopf is Chairman of the STARBRIGHT Capital Campaign, to improve quality of life for seriously ill children; co-founder with Paul Newman of the Boggy Creek Gang, a year-round camp in Florida for children with chronic illnesses; Chairman of the Committee for the U.S. Military Cancer Institute; sponsored a major yearly nonprofit shooting event, The Schwarzkopf Cup, which, through the event and personal advocacy, raised $13 million for the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis; and served as the Chairman of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship’s March on Washington.

General Schwarzkopf is currently a member of the University of Richmond board of trustees, and a member of the board of directors of Remington Arms Company, and USA Networks, Inc.

Alison Silverstein

Alison Silverstein works as a consultant, lecturer and writer on electric transmission and reliability, infrastructure security, energy efficiency, demand response and technology adoption issues. She serves as a member of the U.S. DOE’s GridWise Architecture Council.

Silverstein worked as Senior Energy Policy Advisor to Chairman Pat Wood, III, at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from July 2001 through July 2004. She advised the Chairman on legal, economic, strategic and administrative issues spanning the agency’s electric, hydro, and pipeline responsibilities.

She served as the agency’s lead on infrastructure security, cyber-security and energy reliability and co-chaired the Electric Systems Investigation for the US-Canada Joint Power System Outage Task Force and is principal author of the Interim and Final Blackout Reports. Before moving to the FERC, she worked as Advisor to Chairman Wood at the Public Utility Commission of Texas from 1995-2001, covering both electricity and telecommunications matters.

Mark Stewart

Mr. Stewart brings extensive business development, strategic marketing, and sales experience with high tech, high margin, service markets and information based products that improve customer productivity and asset utilization. He is also a proven senior executive with extensive experience in technology development and new product commercialization. Mr. Stewart previously served as the global head of technology and engineering for Trane Commercial Systems, a $4.3 Billion HVAC business of American Standard. Reporting to the Chairman, Mr. Stewart analyzed functional performance and then drove a major reorganization; reprioritizing R&D; spending, focusing on new building automation control systems and designing total comfort systems. Prior to Trane, Mr. Stewart successfully created and launched a new commercial retail business for American Electric Power in the deregulated power markets and later developed a residential load shedding system for Battelle Research Labs.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Stewart was recruited by Jack Welch at GE to lead the technology development and commercialization programs for Aircraft Engines and Power Systems at Corporate Research and Development. Mr. Stewart achieved double-digit revenue growth and profitability goals for four consecutive years at GE CRD leading a $100M P&L; and led the $200M High Technology Service Growth Initiative across all of GE’s industrial businesses resulting in $50B of Service contract sales growth. Mr. Stewart delivered on over $400M of R&D; programs, directing five laboratories with 500 personnel, including 300 Ph.D’s. Mr. Stewart holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering, from Pennsylvania State University, with honors, Tau Beta Pi, is a graduate of Northwestern University, Kellogg Business School, Advanced Executive Program, and is GE Six Sigma Master Black Belt trained and Design for Six Sigma Certified Black Belt.