Media Coverage

2010 Media Coverage

















2009 Media Coverage

FORTUNE: My Business is Booming - PDF

There’s $787 billion in stimulus money up for grabs. These businesses are thriving not despite the climate, but because of it.

NEW YORK TIMES: Companies Race to Develop Utility-Scale Power Storage

Renewables typically generate most of their energy at night, when electricity demand is lowest. So the big question is: How do you bottle that power for air conditioners and other appliances that are busiest during the day?

CFO: Leadership in Finance: Ice Energy's David Schwarzbach

The unlikely CFO moved from agriculture to activist to financial anchor for a burgeoning technology company.

DOW JONES: Ice Energy Warms Up With Municipal Utility Deal

Ice Energy builds up commercial business with California utility agreement

FORBES: Preventing the Next Black-out

Smart power grids may transform our electricity infrastructure and spur new business...

TIME MAGAZINE: New Ways to Boost Energy Efficiency - Link

Ice storage is tested at EPRI’s Knoxville laboratory, part of a project to provide a more efficient way of cooling air.


The answer to peak power problems has always been storage, but that has proven to be a difficult feat to achieve. As E&T; discovers, the answer may be found in ice.

NATIONAL POST: Ice Energy Helps Keep Utilities Cool

In electricity planning, everything is geared to peak demand. A new technology is poised to change all that.

SMART GRID NEWS: Ice Energy Earns Highest Mark Ever From Smart Grid News Scorecard

Used with existing controls, the Ice Bear™ distributed energy storage technology provides a significant permanent peak load shift benefit to both end users and grid operators...

INTELLIGENT UTILITY: Grid-scale energy storage gets Senate scrutiny

Energy Central columnist Kate Rowland calls energy storage "a giant on the horizon"

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: How Renewable Energy and Storage Solutions Stack Up

The need to tackle global climate change and energy security makes developing alternatives to fossils fuels crucial.

GREENTECH MEDIA: Top Energy Storage Developments of 2009

Electric vehicles boost lithium-ion batteries, DOE dollars for grid storage, ice-making air conditioners, and a smart grid to rule them all.


New business models make energy storage attractive.

SMART GRID TODAY: California Muni Settles on Alternative to Peaking Power Plants

Redding chooses Ice Energy’s smart grid-enabled energy storage solution

TORONTO GLOBE AND MAIL: A Green Idea Cool Enough for Canada

A U.S. company has developed an environmentally friendly method for cooling buildings during peak summer hours using chunks of ice

AUTOMATED BUILDINGS: Integrated Energy Storage System

Editor Ken Sinclair interviews Ice Energy COO John McGee

GREENTECH MEDIA: 11 Cool Names and Concepts to Watch in Air Conditioning

Air conditioning. You only think it's boring. It's one of the big issues in global warming. Here are some companies and concepts to keep your eye on.

TORONTO STAR: Utilities Warming to Ice Storage Systems

Ice Energy system helps turn Burlington’s Mountain Co-Op green

GREENTECH MEDIA: Energy Bill Could Boost Storage Technologies

Energy storage: It's the most popular concept right now with energy VCs. And some in Washington want to goose the market with incentives.


The room was being illuminated by clear polymer rods with circular light-reflecting etchings that caught the sun's rays being ported down from parabolic mirrors tracking the sun. I was bathed in sunlight, but indoors and in a room with no windows. The rods were, in a sense, radiating the fire of the sun into the room.

SMART GRID TODAY: Ice Energy Rapidly Developing Footprint in Smart Grid World

Technology makes ice when power is cheap to cool midday air

RENEWABLE ENERGY WORLD: Companies Focus on Utility-scale Renewable Energy Integration

Last week's Renewable Energy World North America Conference and Expo proved that utilities are seriously entering the renewable energy game as utility-scale projects and solving problems associated with grid infrastructure, demand response, ramp rates and energy storage dominated many of the discussions...

INTELLIGENT UTILITY: All the right people having all the wrong conversations?

In listening to presentations made at yesterday's DOE technical conference on the design of future electric transmission, I was particularly taken by Ice Energy's senior vice president of utility solutions, Chris Hickman, who eschewed the normal format for technical presentations and instead took a higher road...

NORTHERN COLORADO BUSINESS JOURNAL: Cooling technology makes smart-grid systems smarter

In early February, Windsor-based Ice Energy Inc. had a coming-out, of sorts, as the company shifted its focus from cooling one structure at a time to addressing the needs of entire energy transmission systems...

GREENTECH MEDIA: Will Utilities Pay for AC Upgrades?

Don’t think of ice as cold. It’s a peak load management vehicle, says Ice Energy.