Discerning right from wrong
Choosing to do what is right regardless of risk to self
Willing to publicly proclaim the stand taken
Creating shareholder value as measured by economic profit
Aligning the strategic, marketing, operational and financial interests of the company to create value
Customer Satisfaction
Intentionally looking at everything we do through the eyes of our customers
Committing to lean, efficient processes and a quality discipline that is “built-in” as a matter of principle
Environmental Responsibility
Using our core products and systems to incrementally conserve energy and to reduce air pollution
Managing our organizational system to measure, control and improve the environmental aspects of our operations
Committing to social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting (SEAAR) that is inclusive, complete, material
and regular
Promoting quality assurance, accessibility, comparability, reliability and relevance of information
Inspiring others to be their best ethical selves