1) Saves Money, Increases Capacity, Improves Comfort & Reliability! 2) Slashes peak demand fees associated with air conditioning 3) Cuts air conditioning on-peak electrical consumption costs -
Lowers cost of air conditioning by shifting consumption to lower cost, more efficient off-peak hours -
Consumes an equal or lesser amount of energy 4) Improves air conditioner energy efficiency -
Unlike traditional air conditioners, delivers consistent capacity on 95+ degree days with no degradation in performance and no increase in power consumption -
Operates condensing unit at high efficiency with no cycle-losses -
Preserves the stored thermal energy in a R18+ double-walled tank 5) Offers superior comfort and cooling reliability -
Provides consistent cooling regardless of outside ambient temperatures -
Delivers outstanding surge capacity for fast “cool-down” -
Eliminates “freeze-up”, a major cause of cooling complaints -
Improves cooling performance of evaporator coils with liquid overfeed 6) Enables compliance to California’s Title 24 2005 Building Energy Efficiency standards -
Yields up to 22 times more Time Dependent Valuation (TDV) energy savings than a 14 SEER air conditioner -
Accelerates compliance for existing designs -
Enhances building design flexibility for new designs or modifications -
Applicable to remodel projects -
Demonstrates energy consumption savings in several climate zones 7) Assists LEED certification -
Adds 3 or more points to the Energy and Atmosphere credits -
Contributes to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) credits -
Brings Thermal Energy Storage (TES) enabling performance to refrigerant based air-conditioning projects 8) Complements solar photovoltaic (PV) renewable energy systems |